On the Drawing board ….. September 2014

The month of September kept us that busy that we didn’t even realise it is getting to the end!

After a lot of time and effort invested in all the detailed drawings for the affordable housing scheme for the Oxford Community Land Trust, now we can happily say we went out for Tender. The Contractors will come back with an answer for the end of October, in which we will keep you updated.

The affordable housing scheme for AEOB is starting this month –they are just about to sign the contract to buy the site at 22 Battens Lane in St George. After a year looking for a suitable site, they finally found the perfect empty office building to be refurbished into 6 social flats, and in the right area. We are ready to help them in their new adventure and develop the appropriate scheme.

Photo session on site with AEOB members

Photo session on site with AEOB members

We also received tender documents for Bristol City Council Housing Framework for which we are shortlisted, and look forward to making our bid.